Webmaster : Torlan
A tribute to midnite
Ok, this is the page of the mighty Cloporte's clan, but, first of all, I
would like to pay homage to my favourite mud (maybe your's too !) :
midnite (midnite.ec-lille.fr port 4000). In this world of uniformity and
selfishness, midnite is nothing but a haven of friendship, brotherhood, and, in
my point of view, solidarity.
I know that many people won't agree with me, but I personnaly definitely
think that midnite is more than a game. Playing midnite I met great people, I
appreciate almost every player in midnite, and some of them became great,
great, friends. I don't want to list those fantastic people because I would
forget some of them but I think they recognized themselves. But believe me when
I say that it would be terrible for me if midnite was to disappear.
One of the aspects I mostly appreciated on midnite is the tolerance of
the players. I used to play on another mud where people began to boycott my
character (as you can guess, it was named Torlan) when they learned I'm a
teacher. Almost everyone on midnite knows I'm a teacher and I never felt
rejected because of that.
Furthermore, as many of you know, I suffer of a severe disorder in my
immune system that hurts a lot. So, it feels good to join midnite when my legs
or my wrists pain makes me want to cry.
To conclude this stuff - I think most people stopped a few sentences ago
- midnite is both my medicine and the most enjoyable place on all internet. The
place where I meet my BEST FRIENDS.
If you want to learn more about midnite (player's photographs, news
etc.), please aim your mace sorry, I meant, your browser to
the midnite official page and
to the Scrolls of
Many Thanks to all of you, midnite players !
Torlan, former leader and webmaster of the
Cloporte's clan
Entomology first degree : the woodlouse mania !
First, what is a cloporte, or woodlouse in English ?
Is it
, surely not ! neither
Yeah ! this is a woodlouse !
The next figure explains briefly what a woodouse is, from the interior
point of view!
Sincerely, are not woodlice pretty ?
Foundation of Cloportes
This clan has been founded by Oumph the great, Princess
Ashura, Aimlin the sexomorph and Fourbonkh the robber during
a dark and deep night. Oumph, a Troll warrior was chosen as the first leader of
our clan. If you become a member of the mighty cloportes, you will be able to
see his giant statue in our Hall of Fame (Hall of Frime, for us, French
speaking people). The next king of larvas was Genesis, a ghost magician.
The Cloporte Spirit !
First, the basic cloporte is caracterized by it's very gregarious way of
life. As Oumph, founder of the clan always said, loners are weak, characters
have to gather themselve to be strong ! This axiom is the basis of the
cloporte's rule
When a character asks for help, Cloporte or not, PK or Player
Friendly, good, evil or neutral, every cloporte of enough level, must help
This means that no cloporte can leave a mate down if he can help him.
The king will punish cloportes lacking this attitude
No quest will be required to be admitted in the Cloporte's clan.
However, you are requested to fullfill a few requirements to be ranked :
- realize a quest. You must apply to the Great Wormlord in charge
(known as the questor)
- Be a recruiting hero ! (this is how Torlan became Woodlouse
- Exceptionnal effectiveness during a Clan Quest (Sylvain realised a
quest on his own!)
- Master of the cloporte spirit
No anti-social behaviour, such as racism, integrism and so on will be
allowed from a cloporte player. Let me stress that we are talking
about the player, not the character. In fact, dwarves hate elves don't they? so
it is normal roleplay to taunt elves when you are a dwarf and roleplay is both
appreciated and encouraged.
BUT antisocial comments on public or private channels are prohibited and
the responsible player will be punished by the king (deranking the first time,
banishment the second). Of course this does not include, friendly provocations,
sympatethic insults, and of course idiot humour that are the trademark of
cloporte conversation!
Just a few notes on the cloporte behaviour (you can understand first or
second degree, depending on your sense of humour):
- It is strictly forbidden to open a portal on Hassan and invite a
THIEF or KILLER flagged character with only 20 hps remaining enter in it
- A cloporte has no obligation to keep it's word, except for another
cloporte. For instance, you can promise a THIEF or KILLER flagged character
with only 20 hps remaining that the portal you just opened on Hassan is
directly aimed to the healer!
- Hassan is a good target to practice such usefull spells as heal,
sanctuary, bless, frenzy, shield, armor, heal or channel, especially when he is
fighting! Moreover, invisibility is another great spell to cast on Hassan!
- Cloportes are not, and will never be Player Killers. As you
might easily understand, PK behaviour is not compliant with the cloporte
spirit. We do respect PK players and will never criticize them for being PKs.
In fact, some of us have PK characters in other clans ...
- As soon as it is coded by our fantastic imps, we'll have a wonderfull
clan skill: cloporte's fight. A cloporte in trouble will be able to summon all
the cloportes whose rank is above his for help!
- Cloporte's war shout : belebelebele:pppp
Clan Organization
This is a mere description of the different ranks available to the
cloporte's members
- First, the leader, the mighty Sovereign of larvas
- The cloporte's leaders (level above 45) are, first of all, the
spiritual leaders of the cloportes. They make sure that the cloporte's spirit
(and, if applicable, the Gros Nain attitude) is applied by all cloportes.
- The sovereigns are elected buy all the cloportes. Every single
cloporte, even the weakest has the right to vote! There is no regular schedule
for the elections ... in fact there are elections when then current sovereigns
are no more able to connect regularly or if a majority of members disagrees
with their decisions. Being a sovereighn is not an easy task as you always have
to maintain stability in one of the most active clans!
- Right now, the Cloporte's clan is the only clan that has two leaders:
the royal couple Wren and Thorvald, our beloved Queen and King!
Wren, our mighty and beloved Queen, wife of Thorvald |
Thorvald our mighty and feared King, husband of Wren |
- The wormlords (level above 35)
- Initially, wormlords were elected with the leader and there were
exactly 4 wormlords, each of them is reponsible for a major task in the clan:
- Pit master
- The pit master, holds the heritage of the clan. As almost all of
the clanners, the cloporte's members can benefit from our private pit. the
pitmaster makes sure that the objects in the pit are valuable for some of our
members and also creates lists of objects to retrieve when some characters take
them from the pit.
- To keep track of our heritage, the pitmaster needs your feedback.
The rules are very simple, and, as usual with the cloportes, you are not
requested to follow them.
- When you get an item from the pit, please note it to the
pitmaster. This way, he will be able to ask powerfull members to get another
one for the other players. Obviously, it is very important to notify when you
get a reboot item.
- As some of you might have discovered, sometimes out pit gets
full. So, we ask you to notify the pitmaster when you put an object in our pit.
From time to time, the pitmaster will sell (and put the money on the Cloporte's
bank account) non valuable objects so that there will be room for the important
items !
- In the past, Tetard and Aimlin proved to be very
effective pitmasters! Currently, no wormlord seems to be in charge, but you can
always ask Merlin or Torlan.
- The Questor
- Traditionnaly endorsed by Slaine, the Questor task is not
simple : he must create quests for the members who want to be ranked
higher in our organization.
- Currently, no wormlord seems to be in charge of the quests, so
appliants should ask our leaders or any active wormlord.
- Clan quest regulator
- As some of you might know, clan quests are often launched on
midnite (type help quest to know more about them). Merely, the subscrideb clan
members have to look for special items, tag undescriptible quest item in
many locations of Thera.
- To avoid anarchic search, Gremlins used to regulate the
tasks assigned to the cloportes, usually assisted by Krishna.
Unfortunately, do to tremendous amounts of work irl, both of them do not have
much time to log on midnite.
- The strike force
- Finally, Integra, last but not least of the Wormlords, in
fact, the WormLady !. Most powerfull warrior of the clan, and most
experienced player too, she is assigned to the strike force task due to her
extensive knowledge of the mud.
- The webmaster
- Traditionnaly, Torlan is the webmaster of the cloportes. Please
email him any change you'll like to see on
this web page.
- Average Woodlouse (level above 20)
- The first knights of the clan are responsible for the recruiting of
the new members as they gain the rank hability. They also have to make
money for their clan
- Funny Beetle (level above 10)
- Funny Beetle is a somewhat ungrateful rank. Above Little bug ... but
below Average Woodlouse ! The quest to become Funny beetle is usually a
rather easy one ... at the opposite you will be given an hard quest to become
Average Woodlouse ! good luck !
- Little bug
- Well, we all started as a little bug ! This is the first rank of
the cloportes, allowing you to access our clan hall, private pit, ctell and so
on ! First task of a little bug : becoming powerfull enough to
fullfill a quest to become Funny Beetle !